Those of you who subscribe to Fig & Quince just received a jumble mumble full of stumble draft that was not meant to go live but alas, we suffered from a case of premature publication. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. As Iranians say: akh, akh, AKH! As the French so aptly say: merde alors!
Ah well, please try to ignore it and the real post should be up sometime soon, once we regain composure after faux-pas. That is to say: it could take awhile! Ha!
Till later doostan.
both posts are the cutest ever!!!!
akh that’s so sweet of you! mersi azizam. – it’s mortifying honesly like being caught in your knickers … :O
It’s happened to me, too. So annoying. Love the graphics, btw.
So annoying! But heart: warming thanks to your support. 🙂
Happened to me too. 🙁
Thank you dear Fae. So you know how I feel! Looks like it’s happened to a lot of people. WordPress: are you listening? We need a safe drafting method!
It happens to me too : )
So many WP bloggers have said same thing. I contacted them asking if they’d considered placing a safeguard to avoid such mishaps and although WP is aware of the prevalent problem and acknowledges that a “Are you sure you want to publish this?” prompt would prevent the problem – for some reason they are loathe to implement it. …. What can you do?