The photo series above shows my dear father snapping off a one inch piece of Dartstrip to put up a cute pic of the grandkids on the wall. What is Dartstrip, you ask? Why, it’s a wonderful, patented product (a cross between a scotch tape and a bulletin board, made of snappable steel backed with removable adhesive) that solves the dilemma of displaying artwork and photographs without having to worry about putting a hole in the wall or peeling the paint.
On the one hand, I’m interrupting our regularly scheduled programming and begging your indulgence to blog about this product because my sister, my bro-in-law (remember his no-knead-bread?) & their biz partner are the team behind Dartstrip, and thus I am beaming with pride and I want to support their Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to bring Dartstrip to the market.
On the other hand (the one that’s doing the jazz hands!) I’m blogging about this solely for excitedly selfish reasons, because I want and need something like this product that lets me put up and rotate images at a whim and to my heart’s content (on any kind of wall surface and with zero nagging concerns of damaging the said well) in my life … like, stat. So I’d love for their project to make a go of it.
Please check out their adorable video (with more cameos of my dad and behind the scenes peek at the team with juggling and dancing if you watch it to the end) which charmingly demos the product and consider supporting their Kickstarter campaign.
[kickstarter url=http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1603592190/dartstripthe-magnetic-display-system width=480]
Thank you guys & a lovely weekend to all!
Thats fantastic and congratulations to your sister and brother in law on an amazing product and brilliant idea, I will definitely support this and will re blog if thats ok with you!
Yes please do Suzanne, woot! Thank you, so very sweet of you! :))
Absolutely! What a great product!!! 🙂 I will reblog it if you are ok with that.
F. Xx
Totes Ok with that! 🙂 That’s so sweet of you, thank you! xox
Great! By the way, your father looks like the sweetest man on earth, I love the music the pick for the ad and the boy with the Persian traits in it is crazy gorgeous. Sorry! Maybe inappropriate but when I see something beautiful I can’t help it but comment!!! 😉
he IS the sweetest Fransesca! The crazy gorgeous guy is not Persian … don’t know him but agree he is GOOD.LOOKING! No harm in commenting on beautiful things 😉 xo
Thank you Liz! 🙂
huge thanks to you azi and your lovely readers! love the post! of course… ; )
Good luck sis! 🙂
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Your father is very handsome!
I have to agree! 😀
What a clever idea.Who wouldn’t have a use for some thing so practical, hassle free, easy, and most importantly clean as this product? I know I want it and I want it now. + Supporting a hamshahri is always a must and one of my priorities. Good luck.
ps: the add is SOOOOOO great and nails the purpose.
loved it.
That’s so awesome to hear! Thank you Lyla jan for supporting my hamshireh and your hamshahri ;)) xo
That’s great! I hope it reaches the market. Congrats to them!
Thank you Lilly! I’ll drink to that! 🙂
Oh good for them! They’ve nearly reached their target! I hope it all goes well!
Thank you Celia! With 3 days left of the campaign, they made it! 🙂
Just liked them on Facebook. Looking forward to seeing this get into the market!
Thank you for the support Tina! 🙂
I need Dartstrip …uh…yesterday. Why didn’t anyone invent this before? Let me know when it becomes available. I need 2 rolls immediately. Do they take pre-order?
Yay, happy to get your vote of confidence Angie!
One round-about-way of pre ordering is to pledge on their Kickstarter. Looks like their early bird $20 pledges are all gone but for a $25 pledge they will ship one 1 a ($30 estimated retail value)Dartstrip tin (8 feet of strip + 16 magnets) (& free shipping in the U.S. , estimated delivery of January 2014. which one will be charged for IF they raise their funding goals.
Hope this makes sense!
Congratulations to Kermit, Azadeh & Anthony for a brilliant product. I will post it on my personal FB (I have more followers).
So, Felfeli has a sibling. How cute both of them are. 😀 Fae.
Mersi Fae joon, khayli mah hastid! Thank you! Va baleh, felfeli yek dadash koochooloo dareh keh onham kahyli banamak hast. yum yummy hastand! 🙂
It’s such a good idea. And I got to view the video – the second time! Will FB this.
Thank you Johnny! 🙂
Looks like a wonderful product! Love the idea.
Thank you!
This is such a great idea. Also, what a fabulous video, looks like they had lots of fun making it!
Agreed, the video looks like a lot of fun. I like the Charley Chaplin vibe of it!
This sounds like a fantastic idea. My walls are FULL of holes, particularly as I’m always changing my mind about where I want stuff to go… Am,posting on my Facebook page.
Thank you! That is so sweet! Much much appreciation 🙂
Francesca from Floras Table brought me to you. Congratulation and all the best for this amazing and great product! Your father looks like the kindest grandfather one can think of.
Best regards
Dina, thank you for the lovely comment and feedback. So happy to hear from you and find your blog. I love Francesca, so it makes sense that I immediately like you and “your world”! Super happy to meet.
I’m absolutely thrilled to meet you too, Azita! Thank you so much for the follow. Have a great new week.
Love, Dina
ps Love the quotagraphies – what a cool word and concept.
Thank you so much! I’m glad you like it. 🙂
Sounds like a fabulous product Azita! I look forward to the day they go global and Dartstrip finds it’s way onto Australian shelves! 🙂
Thank you! I also look forward when I go global and make my way to Australia, and get to visit a few of my very favorite bloggers in person. 😉
Me too Azita! That would be so exciting! 🙂
Love this! Do I see your hand in designing the wonderful video? R
The video is handiwork of my lovely sister! But thank you Radhika joon for the compliment. 🙂
Two beautiful AND talented sisters!
hi everyone – this is azadeh, azita’s sister. thanks to you all and to azita’s wonderful post we were able to reach our funding goal with time to spare! thanks to my sis and to you for your lovely, encouraging comments. can’t wait to share dartstrip with you all! xx
Cool dude, really happy for you and your team! 🙂
Fantastic idea team!!! Wow, I can’t wait for dartstrips to be on the market! We live in a rented apartment so the idea is perfect for compact spaces where the wall can’t be marked…. and YES, I agree that you guys are a talented family Azita! Woop! I will check out the kickstarter page now xx