Friends! I’m still here!
But that, I mean I’m still writing here on the blog (hello hello) and also that I’m still here in Iran. One reason for my extended stay is that I’m going to be one of the speakers at the upcoming TEDxTehran 2015! Isn’t that exciting? The theme is paradigm shift and I will be talking about … what else? FOOD! But of course! I’m thrilled and terrified all at once. Wish me luck, please! OK? (I will post a couple of days before the blessed event with further details including how to watch a livestream, etc.)
Meanwhile, I’m in Tehran as I said, which: YAY, where I’m progressively feeling more and more like a local and yet also still observe and absorb everything with the big delighted eyes of a tourist. In some ways, this is the best of worlds, because it makes even ordinary things like a day spent running errands filled with bubbles of fun! I thought I’d share with you photos of one such November day, an overcast and rather gloomy day (doing boring every day things) but one that nevertheless was punctuated again and again with sightings that firmly planted a smile on my face.
Hope you’ll enjoy this little photo tour of a day in life in Tehran as well.

Here we have 3 gents near Laleh Park bending down to skim the headlines at a newspaper kiosk. A common sight!

And here we have lavashak lollipops! Say WHAT? Wonders never cease. (Lavashak is the name for Persian fruit roll ups, usually made in thin flat sheets. This newfangled lollipop version is a rather genius interpretation of this traditional and very popular snack!)

I frequently walk by the Laleh Hotel (formerly known as Intercontinental Hotel) and the flamingos and the flowers and Alice in the Wonderland mushrooms are rather cheerful sightings as I pass by.

I dig this art poster depicting an Ashura scene (an important religious historical event) and I shamelessly begged the gallery manager for a copy. (Per Yvonne joon’s sage guidance!) But I then never did make it back there to pick it up. For shame!
The gallery itself is a small but well appointed one, situated inside the Laleh Park – a large and quite wonderful park (filled with many delights) – a subject that deserves its own post. One day soon, perhaps!

Motorcyclists in Tehran are a menace. A MENACE I tell you! And any and all sightings of them in action fill one (or at least moi) with appalled and fearful derision. However, this harmless stationary candy-red motorcycle with its clean and well groomed fuzzy red hand-warming handles did make me chuckle with appreciation.

I happened to follow in the trail of this young Iranian family for half a block as we all headed down on Vessal Shirazi street in Tehran. I dug the cheerful orange accessories of the young mother, and I mean, look at that cute little baby with his red hat! Whose gloomy day wouldn’t be brightened by such an quietly inquisitive adorable little face?

I also got a kick out of passing by this fruit cart spilling with its cargo of pomegranates and oranges and appreciated the vendor’s time-honored Persian practice of sipping tea while conducting business.

And here we have stuffed animals merrily posing for a group portrait in front of Tehran’s Contemporary Museum of Art!
This is the same museum by the way that very recently exhibited this! Incredible! I got to check out that exhibit twice and this Friday hope to go to the opening of another major exhibit. This museum is another subject that surely deserves its very own post. Sometime!

And finally, let’s conclude this post with these delicious treats – which is precisely how this shekamoo concluded and rewarded her long day of running errands.
Any day ending with kooloocheh (@MariaDernikos is a treasured friend and stellar fellow food blogger and her kooloocheh recipe guest post is stellar as well! Natch!) and noon ‘eh panjareh is indeed a bright day!
And that’s it folks, till we meet next, and till then, hugs and kisses from Tehran, Iran and its pastry-shop-filled streets and snowy dusted mountain peaks.
Hello, dear PenPal Friend,
How are you? I see you are still in Iran. I am happy for you. How long has it been since you were in New York? Will you be back soon?
Sent from my iPad
Hello dear Rosa! I’ve been here fur 2 and half months! It flew by … And I will be here for a couple more months. Then back to NY!
How are you? Maybe I’ll come visit you in Santa Fe ;-)))
Xoxoxo <3
I wish you the very best of luck! And enjoy your stay!
Francesca!!!! Hiiiiii! I thought of you the other day when passing a street named “Italia” and took a pick of it to send to you … Will send it your way. Lots of hugs and kisses to you and Stefano and Princess and puppy! <3 <3 :-))))
Look at the slippers of the kiosk owner outside the kiosk- in the picture with the girly motorcycle. lol
Just loved this post, as all your other posts, and good luck with TEDx.
Ooh I hadn’t noticed! Tres observant my lovely friend! xoxo
I ve been following your email for a long time and i always highly appreciate your wonderful stories… But i hardly made a comment so sorry for that.. I actually get your posts in my email and every time with smiling face i m reading them :))
This is great that you post all of these photos of our beautiful country … I really appreciate your effort 🙂 enjoy your stay in lovely Tehran and have fun instead of me too xx
Thank you Maryam jaan!!! I really really appreciate it! :-)))
Loved this little trip out and about on the streets of Tehran with you Azita! I’ve never seen hand-warming handles on a motorbike before… and fuzzy ones at that – very cool! 🙂
Azita qaand,
I am just playing catch-up with the blogging world, as I got so overwhelmed with my studies and travels, I have so much respect for you for consistently blogging! I am so excited that you are in Iran, and am looking forward to going through your posts and seeing the images, enjoy all the yummy treats over there 🙂
I LOVE your blog!!!! Lavashak lollipop? That’s brilliant. You had me cracking up calling yourself a shekamoo…:) that baby is so adorable…I like to choose a favorite picture out of every post..I struggled this time…maybe the picture of the older men reading the headlines? Too cute…wish people were still reading the paper here in the US…can’t wait for your TED talk…hope you’re feeling better…
Awww, thank you for making my day dear Soureh! 🙂 <3
Aww love these pictures!
🙂 + <3