Who am I? What is the meaning of life? What should I do with the Thanksgiving turkey leftovers? These are age old Read More
Āsh = thick hearty soups with a mixture of herbs and veggies and legumes and sundry whatnots -somewhat akin to French potage.
Halim = Also spelled Haleem, is a type of slow-cooked stew with a pasty porridge type of texture that is extremely popular in Iran (also other Middle East countries, Central Asia, and the Indian subcontinent.) Methods of preparing halim varies from region to region, but in Iran, it generally includes wheat or barley, and optionally protein meat or lentils.
Abghoosht = delicious brothy soups made with meat and many legumes, often served with bread.
Who am I? What is the meaning of life? What should I do with the Thanksgiving turkey leftovers? These are age old Read More
Last year winter was a weakling. This year, winter is a brutish pahlavan! When it is bitter cold out there, nothing beats Read More
(Before we delve into āsh, let’s take care of the tricky matter of its pronunciation. Āsh should be pronounced as if Read More