Hello hello! What can I say but hang my head in utter shame? I promised regular postings in the last post and instead it’s been 2 month since I’ve shown my face around here. In the interim, spring has sprung & I experienced my 2nd Persian New Year on the soil of the homeland. Something else that now has reached its 2nd year milestone, is the Fig & Quince podcast. A podcast where I either go solo and jibber jabber in an ad-lib manner about what comes into my head or what’s on my mind (sometimes eloquently so, other times borderline manic yammerings) but where mostly I sit down with a guest in the small soundproof studio (which initially made me feel intensely uncomfortable due to my slight claustrophobic tendencies but which by now feels quite cozy) in the Saadat Abad neighborhood of Tehran – a city that never sleeps and even sleepwalks and sadly sometimes spits – and my honorable guest and I (mostly new friends in the tech and startup scene or else foodies and such) talk about food and drinks and make ourselves hungry and thus unearth memories and spin stories and …. we do so for about 25 minutes and up to 40 minutes and then we call it a day in the life and a podcast. So yeah … I love podcasts and it’s very satisfying to make one of my own and I only wish I were able to do it in both English and Persian, but alas, at least for the foreseeable future it is in Persian.

I will be fully transparent and fess up that I want to increase the audience for this labor of love of mine – pimping the ol’ podcast, see — and to kill 2 birds with one stone (what a violent saying) I thought I’d blog a link to each new podcast here and also take advantage of that opportunity to also say how di do here with you all and hopefully in the process to share a few meaningful snippets and snapshots of my life here and perchance even a recipe! Did you hear that? A recipe! Wouldn’t that be wild for an “alleged” food blog? Hardi har har.
Anyhow, for the first episode of the 2nd season. I talked with a very interesting dude, @aliyegane, who is a creative director; who is fond of oversized rings; is an extroverted introvert like yours truly; knows an affogato from a gâteau; and is well versed when it comes to the coffee shop scene and cafes and other such tasty subjects.

If you do speak Persian, do make me happy and check out my caffeinated foodie chat with @AliYegane & hope you’ll enjoy it and if you do, please pretty please share it with your irooni friends, OK?
Till soon my friends! xoxo & love
Azita jon, I wish you a belated happy new year. I am glad that you are so happy and I wish you success with your podcast. By the way, the strawberry pie looks amazing!
Hi Vicky joon! So good to hear from you. Thank you for continuing to read here & your support is heartwarming. Miss you all and much love! xoxo
Glad to see you are back posting! Having only completed the first block of Rosetta Stone’s Farsi program, I am afraid the podcast is beyond me. Good luck with it, though, and please keep up the posts!
Ha ha, yeah, but I’m rooting for you and am confident that you’ll be able to get to this level soon. How cool by the way that you are studying Farsi! Kheily aali! 🙂
Mersi for reading and commenting & xoxo
Khahesh Mikonam!
Good to see you here, Azita joon, so glad to hear that you are doing well. Belated Aide shohma mobarak to you. Oh I so wish to speak Farsi in order to view your podcasts. Happy Spring thoughts from here, California, right now it’s blooming like crazy, thanks to all the good rain we got this year so far. Be well. Cornelia
Hi Cornelia joon! I so wish you can one day soon come and visit! Spring has fully sprung here in Tehran, practically all the snow has melted off the mountain tops and there are blossoms aplenty and of course lots of “chaghaleh badoom” etc.
Happy Spring and sending you lots and lots of love from this corner of the earth. xoxoxo