I had a different post planned for today but it’ll just have to wait, because, I mean, look at this bunch of glorious sweet basil, thyme and mint! I don’t know whether to look at it or eat it and I long to do both. A thing of beauty! I was given it by Suzanne – who had just picked them fresh from her garden, rinsed them, and then handed them to me tied up in a lovely bouquet rivaling what one might find at an artisanal flower shop. Just one of the many perks of having such a lovely neighbor. I have to tell you that the absolute pleasure of the surprise receipt of this luscious fragrant bunch of fresh garden-grown herbs was one of the purest delights of this weekend. A further delight to come is the fresh herb salad I’m planning on for dinner. Perfect for a hot summer night. Oh my tummy tum: wait till you see! Thank you Suzanne!
It pretty much kills me to be succinct, so, as long as I’m up here, I’m thinking why not share some other snapshots of this weekend as well:


For example, Moosh thinks it’s unbelievable that Anthony Weiner, the supreme jerk who literally exposed his weiner, is actually running for mayor of New York City. “It turns my stomach to think that a bozo like him might possibly be the mayor of our awesome city.” Monster meanwhile thinks: “Who gives a rat about politics.” Monster says: “Who cares. Weiner didn’t break any laws. None of it matter anyhow. They are all the same.”
They get entangled in an argument.

Soon they settle back into their friendly and comfortable silence. Monster takes a nap while Moosh quietly worries.
ps Thank you Suzanne for the truly lovely gift of fresh herbs. Love love LOVE!
pps Moosh and Monster are entirely fictitious characters. Any resemblance to real sweet potatoes, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
ppps This post is simultaneously published on my other blog: 7Legs
Also, I’d like to note that:
The Muslim holy month of fasting commences tomorrow. Happy Ramadan & Ramadan Mobarak to all observers.
Love your Moosh and Monster 🙂
D’you know Azita, that a mouse is called ‘mooshika’ in Sanskrit! There are so many similarities between languages….it’s uncanny.
No I didn’t but I’m seriously happy that you told me, I love words and languages and the connections between various languages.
Mooshika sounds like a very very cute (& somewhat Russian) nickname for a Moosh! Adorable!
Nice to meet the reindeer and the mouse 😉
oh, you’re right! a raindeer! I like it. I like it a lot. 🙂
Aww, love Moosh. Though it is a bit creepy how mousey he looks.
Agreed, he’s frighteningly life-like! The funniest/creepiest thing is that he grew eyes in the exact spot where he would have them if he were real!!! SPOOKY!
This is such a fun post. I can not believe those sweet potato shapes! I don’t know if I could eat them. 🙂 Wait…you are neighbors with Suzanne?
Thank you! Oh I’m totally not going to eat these potatoes, that ship sailed months ago. I bought them in the fall to give you an idea, ha ha, but then they ended up as still-life decoration.
I AM neighbors with Suzanne! Practically within spitting distance although I’m sure we would never test that out, ha ha. We met via our blogs and she helped me find this place shortly after I returned to NY. A great neighbor in more ways than one.
That is so cool! I am such a big fan of the both of you and it great to think of you two as up close and personal friends. 🙂
My choko Audrey 2 is lonely…do you think that moosh and monster might like to come for a play date? 😉
Your choko has a very poetic almost lyrical sprout! I think a playdate would be fun for us at least if not for the pet veggies 😉 Love it!
Gorgeous-looking herbs – lucky you having Suzanne as a neighbour and I love your Moosh and Monster tale… I’m on a real sweet potato kick at the moment but haven’t found such endearing shapes.
I know, it’s very lucky!
I’ve gotta admit that my sweet potato haul from the farmer’s market was striking-looking from the get go, that’s mainly why I bought them. Still, didn’t anticipate they would turn into full-fledged characters. Have not run into the likes of it in let’s say the supermarket.
Your sweet potato crab cakes look entirely delectable: http://thehealthyepicurean.eu/2013/07/05/sweet-potato-crab-cakes-and-lettuce-pilfering/
I saw the photo and thought those herbs looked familiar, so glad you like them. Thank you for the delicious muffins, I ate them right away and enjoyed every bite. Thank you for stopping by with adorable Felix. Your sweet potato mouse is so funny. I love Moosh and Monster. You have the most vivid imagination and never fail to entertain. Want some hydrangea too?
It was mine and his pleasure! I’m so glad you like Moosh and Monster! 🙂
Would I want some hydrangea? Boy, would I! They are my second most favorite flower. Would love some, just give a holler I’ll drop by. Yay! Thank you!!!
Will you just stop playing with your food!
BTW Sweet Potato is called Kumara in New Zealand. It was brought there from semi-mythical Hawaiiki (sic) by the first Maori immigrant seafarers aboard the original seven canoes (semi mythical again) and is still a staple to both Maori and Pakeha in that country.
I always like food with a story to tell, as does our generous web host, Azita.
How interesting! I had no idea sweet potato had this kind of depth of heritage.
Ross: I can not stop playing with my food! I need help!
Such fun!
Thank you Lizzy! Is it gauche to say that I had a lot of fun with it? Because I really did.
– Azita jan, Moosh nakhoratet! Felfeli chand’sal’o nimesh’e? Ba un dastaye ghashangash.
– I hope NYC will get a befitting mayor. 😉
Fae joon, panj sal va nimesh hast.
– Me too! Not that I care … oh wait, that’s Monster.
The photo of Moosh actually startled me as I scrolled down the post! As for the post title, well I had to race in and have a look, didn’t I. How funny!
You have got me chuckling here …!
Such a fun post and so cool that you and Suzanne are neighbors! You have taken playing with your food to a new level – Moosh the sweet potato really does look like a mouse. Disturbingly so. 😉
Hi! Thank you for visiting & commenting!
Re Moosh: I know!!! He has eyes! Eyes I tell you! :O
But for some reason he doesn’t terrify me – maybe because he is a sweet, sweet potato.
Funny girl! 🙂
Oh, I love your posts Azita! I’ve missed reading them (I have gotten so behind on my blog reading.. life has been a bit crazy as of late). Thanks for introducing us to Moosh! Gorgeous! Haha… now I want to grow my own sweet potato mouse 🙂 I love your photos of the weekend. Hugs to you beautiful! xx
Thank you! So good to see you around here Laura!
Moosh is adorable and you are a great storyteller. I didn’t realize that you and Suzanne were neighbors (I follow her blog too). Brooklyn is getting more and more attractive! 🙂
Brooklyn is cool! Wanna come visit Francesca? I know many doors will be enthusiastically flung open by the promise of your arrival. Please come!
You are way too kind, Azita! 🙂 I promise I will visit you soon 🙂 Rhank you so much for the invitation.
I love it when one got to play with the food, your moosh and monster are so adorable.
Awww, thank you Rabbit! I’m so in love with your work. Moosh and Monster *are* cute. I can say that freely – without it seeming like I’m bragging – since they are not related to me. ; )
I love these little rats! Good play with the food~~
Not rats! Moosh, that is mice! : ) ps: thank you!!!