I’m going to Iran | Keep in touch or I’ll get lonesome & cry!

“Where are you going? To Ghandahar?” — delivered in an incredulous tone armed with a figuratively raised eyebrow — is how an Iranian person might address someone who makes a fuss or takes a lot of things with them when going somewhere or on a trip.  I guess back when this phrase of speech started, Ghandahar was the furthest reaches of the earth one’s mind could comprehend. I’m not taking a lot of things with me, and I’m trying not to make a fuss, and I’m certainly not going to Ghandahar, but I am going to Iran. Finally. After 35 years. Well, you already knew that. All told, I will be gone for two months, give or take … approximately … more or less. That sounds like a long time and maybe it will be too long and it’ll drag and maybe it’ll be entirely too brief. Time will tell!

I don’t have any children, so you’d think it’d be oh-so-easy for me to pick up and take off, but, ah … the blog. THE BLOG!

Let me tell you, having a blog is a little bit like having a pet. (Although sometimes I think of my blog as a HUNGRY monster that must be fed again and again and again. But right away, I take it back and say, no no no, oh sweet little blog of mine, you are NOT a monster, you are my moosh ‘eh koochooloo sweet pet.)

You can’t leave your monster, I mean your sweet pet, without food and water and companionship. That’s why I have a few posts I’ve written ahead of time that are scheduled to publish while I’m away. So keep your eyes peeled for those. Further, I’m delighted to say that I have a few interesting and downright fantastic guest blog posts for you as well — thanks to some kind, gracious and entirely adorable blogger and civilian friends. True treats in store for you! I promise. You’ll see! So I hope you’ll continue to come and keep my pet blog company while I’m away so it won’t get lonesome. OK?

And keep in touch with me too so I won’t get lonesome either! I don’t know how actively I’ll have Internet access or, more accurately, how often I’ll have the time or opportunity or desire to get online. I mean, odds are, I’ll be stuffing my face with something delicious instead. But, whenever possible, I’d love to share some Norooz festivities and fun highlights of my travel with you.

I’ll probably keep in touch mostly via Facebook. So, can we please be friends? I’m leaving on the 11th of March, so do “friend” me beforehand. You do want to be friends, don’t you? You might also find me on Twitter and Instagram. If we’re not following each other yet, let’s fix that. Find me so I can follow you back.

I’ll miss reading your blogs and keeping up with your doings but I hope to take a good week off when I return to just chillax and catch up with most if not all of your shenanigans. Meanwhile, if there’s any recipe or foodie type of questions that you have, definitely let me know in the comments or send me an email and I’ll do my best to look it up for you.

Before I sign off, this tantalizing specimen of  cholokabab koobideh  is one of the MANY things I hope to eat:

Mouthwatering cholo kabob Koobideh Iran food delicious posted by Fig & quince (Persian food culture blog)

Mouthwatering cholo kabob Koobideh | Iran

Photo of the cholo kabob koobideh sent to me by a friend who obviously wanted to torture me. Thank you Laya! 🙂

And this little village near Tehran is one of the places I hope to visit:

The beautiful photo taken by and courtesy of my lovely uncle John Thompson.

Only a few days away! I can’t wait to get there, honestly! Though I wish I had at least one more week to finish and wrap up things before taking off … And it’s too bad that I’ll miss my lovely mom’s birthday (happy birthday in advance lovely mom) and I’ll sadly also miss a recital by a little adorable rascal … and I’m missing a friend’s very fun birthday party … but, I’m also arriving on the birthday of my good friend who I’m staying with, so … it’s all good. The balance of universe is restored.

I may be poking my nose around around in social media channels until I’m on the plane but as far as this blog goes, this is it, then, this is bye bye for now. Let me grab a couple of Kleenexes. I AM verklempt. Now don’t forget to either find me on twitter or to Friend me – OK?  OK! Let’s please keep in touch! Otherwise, I’ll get really sad and lonesome and I WILL cry.

This trip was for the longest time a dream and now it’s a reality. I’m excited to realize this dear ambition and I wish whatever yours is, it will come true as well. In its time. Under grace.

Happy Weekend & Happy Spring Lovely People! And Till soon!



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Comments (31)

  • rabirius 11 years ago Reply

    I’m looking forward to hear from your adventures and experiences!
    Have a wonderful trip!

  • Darya 11 years ago Reply

    Safe travels, Azita! I’m looking forward to hearing (reading) all about your trip, the food you ate, and whatever you want to share. And I promise not to abandon your blog, and dutifully read and comment your posts. You are leaving on such an adventure! Have a wonderful time

  • Vicky Taheri 11 years ago Reply

    Have a wonderful trip! I can’t wait to hear about your excellent adventures, culinary or not. If you have a chance to visit the Tehran bazaar, don’t pass up the chelokabob…. Also, enjoy the wonderful ice cream. Have a safe and enjoyable trip.

  • polianthus 11 years ago Reply

    oh koobideh oh koobideh with sumac fresh herbs and a raw onion on freshly made bread, how I crave thee…..That wasnt kind to post the pic you know but I forgive you! Have a wonderful trip enjoy it immensely. Take care!

  • The Novice Gardener 11 years ago Reply

    Yikes! When are you leaving again?

  • Bizou 11 years ago Reply

    سفر خوش
    Enjoy breathing the spring air in Iran, enjoy your walks and every step you take in all streets & alleys, enjoy the smell of all flowers, grass, sweets & sours you come across, enjoy all the sceneries of snow peak mountains, meadows of wild flowers, blues of Caspian Sea, crowds of bazaars & streets, enjoy all the Farsi words & sounds that pass through your ears…, and mostly enjoy EVERYTHING this motherland can & will offer to you.
    با شوق به انتظار شنيدن سوقاتيهايى كه برامون به ارمغان خواهى داشت هستم
    سفرت به خير

  • fermentfusion 11 years ago Reply

    Enjoy your amazing trip, and do post many interesting things about daily life and food in Iran…
    About your dream of driving to Iran: someone did it from Switzerland, and she wrote it in 1939: that’s the famous writer Ella Maillart, in her book “La voie cruelle” she would maybe have done a blog like you, but that where different times ;-)…

  • Green Door Hospitality 11 years ago Reply

    Have an amazing time!! So excited for you! We won’t let you get lonely, we promise!

  • Amanda 11 years ago Reply

    Lovely post! I can’t wait to hear back from you. Take notes and pictures. I”m also looking forward to all the cool guest posts that appear on your hungry monster. I totally get it. However, your work speaks for itself and we’ll all be here waiting for you and checking in till you get back. Enjoy and enjoy!

  • apuginthekitchen 11 years ago Reply

    Bon Voyage my sweet, I know you will have a wonderful time, I will tweet you and try to stay in touch. I would love to eat my way around Iran, would love every fork or spoonful. Give us updates as you can and we will be waiting for you when you return with great stories, reviews and photo’s.

  • Susan Edelman 11 years ago Reply

    Oh best to you!! We’ll take care of your blog pet while you’re gone!!

  • Gather and Graze 11 years ago Reply

    Ooooh Azita, 3 more sleeps! Have a fabulous time, as I know you will! Soak up absolutely everything you see, do, taste and feel, so that we can hear all about it when you get back! Safe travels my friend.

  • Azita, I will miss terribly your posts while you are gone. Just have the greatest trip ever and soak in all the flavors and fragrances of food, sabzies, jaas (jasmine) and so more. Enjoy it to the fullest and bring back for all of lots of images and inspiring words. Your hungry monster looks a lot like an inspiration from Picasso!!!!!

  • lapetitecasserole 11 years ago Reply

    I’ve started to follow you on Instagram and I’ve sent you a message on FB, exactly as you suggested. So, good luck, have fun and enjoy this amazing moment of your life!

  • yvonne rafi 11 years ago Reply

    My ❤️ is with your ❤️.
    Go in peace and love and light.

  • tableofcolors 11 years ago Reply

    Have a wonderful trip! Can’t wait to hear all about it!

  • Maria Dernikos 11 years ago Reply

    The time will fly. Wish I was coming with you. What a wonderful journey to take. Looking forward to hear all about it when you return.

  • Maria Dernikos 11 years ago Reply

    Oh I forgot to say, how I love the picture at the top of you in the car.

  • Tina 11 years ago Reply

    I’d like you to know that I look forward to your postings every week. They are a highlight in my life. I enjoy seeing your culture through the eyes of a distant but true patriot. We all will be blessed by your trip back home. Please don’t leave any of your adventures out. I know it can be a hassle documenting every little thing. Absorb, enjoy, be grateful…then document! Safe and lovely trip!!!!

  • tastytreats13 11 years ago Reply

    Have a great trip!

  • Fae's Twist & Tango 11 years ago Reply

    Bon Voyage Azita-jan! Jaye man’ham ra khalikon. I will stay tuned to your blog and FB. Be safe and secure. My love and prayers will accompany you.
    Kisses, Fae. 😀

  • Francesca 11 years ago Reply

    Have fun and enjoy every single moment! I know you have been waiting for a long time and this is a dream coming true. I’m truly happy and excited for you and I can’t wait to hear all about it.
    Have a safe trip, my dear friend.
    F. Xx

  • Josiane 11 years ago Reply

    Enjoy your time in Iran! I think two months is a good length of time for your visit, especially since it includes the two weeks of the Norouz fun. It’s pretty much how long I stayed there the second time (I stayed for three weeks the first time), and I left happy *and* wishing I’d had a little more time… so I was satisfied *and* already looking forward to going back again when I left!
    It’ll be lovely to hear about your experience, and all the delights you’ll be enjoying, both during and *after* your trip – because sharing can always wait: we’ll still be here when you come back and, as you said, you may not feel like spending much time online, quite understandably! Being fully present while you’re there is totally worth it!
    I follow you on Twitter (I’m @kimianak), and you can rest assured I won’t miss any of the little bits you may share over there! I’m delighted and grateful to have this opportunity to vicariously travel back to that wonderful country through you… If you think I can help in any way, don’t hesitate to email me; I’ll be happy to hear from you.
    Safar bekheir, va sal-e no mobarak!

  • ahu 11 years ago Reply

    Azita joon have a wonderful time and Saleh no mobarak (in advance)! looking forward to hearing about your trip and hopefully meeting when you are back 🙂

  • Susan 11 years ago Reply

    Eeek! That’s so exciting Azita!! Have a wonderful time! I can’t wait to hear all about it when you’re back/online/ready to debrief!!!!!

  • ChgoJohn 11 years ago Reply

    I hope you have a wonderful trip. Safe travels.

  • Adri 11 years ago Reply

    How exciting Azita! You must be flying right now, but in any case I wish you the best!!
    At the beginning it will feel like it was just yesterday that you left, and then not so much. But that’s ok. I will be fun for sure. Can’t wait to hear and read all about it. Safe travels!

    Fig & Quince 11 years ago Reply

    Thank you Adri! Look forward to seeing you hopefully in NY in the summer!

  • […] packing and preparing for my trip as I write this post. Since time is of the essence, I hope you’ll accept and enjoy this […]

  • laurasmess 11 years ago Reply

    Hahaaa! I know exactly how you feel about the ‘pet’ and ‘hungry monster’ aspects of blogging! We will definitely keep you company whilst you have a FABULOUS trip away! I cannot believe it’s been so long since you visited. You’ll have to make up for lost time. Hugs xxxx

  • afracooking 11 years ago Reply

    Wishing you happy, safe and adventurous travels!

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