A Vote of Confidence – A thing like that!

Hello friends!
I am nursing a nasty cold but no grudges; I lost my workhorse iPhone but on the bright side I have a refrigerator filled with barbari bread and sour cherries picked from a garden near Tehran; and I have lots of news and a bunch of good posts coming your way – delicious recipes and sweet and bittersweet stories and lots of snap-happy photos, but meanwhile … I woke up this morning to the wonderful surprise of an email from my Edible Manhattan editor with the news that the article I recently wrote for them about Norooz in New York is an Eddy Awards 2016 finalist in the “Best Story” category. Say what! It obviously made my day. It’s an honor to be a finalist but (needless to say) I won’t scoff at the idea of actually winning in the category either. That’s where you, wonderful gentle reader, come in. As the winner will be decided by votes.

Might I ask you guys to tip toe over and vote for your ever so faithful blogger? Pretty please? Just go here and click and vote. The voting period is open till June 8th by the way and should you so desire, you can vote once daily till then. I would be ever so grateful!
ps The gorgeous photo is photographed by Philip Ficks; and prop styling is by Lili Abir.
ppps You are all awesome and I want to make you all ta’dig! 🙂 <3

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Comments (10)

  • Elaine @ foodbod 8 years ago — Reply

    Brilliant, good luck xx

    Fig & Quince 8 years ago — Reply

    Mersiiii! <3

  • apuginthekitchen 8 years ago — Reply

    Voted, beautiful article and well deserved nomination and (fingers crossed) win.

    Fig & Quince 8 years ago — Reply

    Thank you Suzanne jun! <3

  • corneliaweberphotography 8 years ago — Reply

    What a wonderful accomplishment that will be. Hope you recover soon from your nasty cold and that you eat enough Ash Reshte

    Fig & Quince 8 years ago — Reply

    Mersi Cornelia joon! Also: Happy Birthday! Love <3 Azita

    Mersi Azita joon for your birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day filled with splendid food and love from others, like you

  • Michael Boss 8 years ago — Reply

    Would I sell my vote for ta’ dig? Damn straight I would.

    Fig & Quince 8 years ago — Reply

    Ha ha! Damn straight! 😉 Thank you dear Michael!

  • Gather and Graze 8 years ago — Reply

    Good luck Azita! I’ve voted and will try to get another one in tomorrow as well… if it’s not too late! 🙂

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