Honeypot Turnip – Shalgham va Assal (A Homemade Cure)

With a spell of a scratchy throat afflicting yours truly, I was prompted to avail myself of the goodness of shalgham va assal, or “honeypot turnip” as I’ve come to dub it, and it motivated me to finally send this homemade (and I must say charming) cure your way.

You may recall that I had no kind words for turnip as a child, maligning and besmirching its reputation at every opportunity, but through it all, turnip turned the other cheek, never badmouthing me in kind, and then I grew up, developed a more curious palette, tasted perfectly-cooked as opposed to overcooked turnip, and in a shocking yet redeeming twist of fate I’m now rather devoted to the homely sweet fellow. Picture us — not me and you, me and turnip that is — in a field of golden wheat under a blue sky with a perfect breeze, running towards each other in slow motion. It’s love!

I mean, do you think it’s a coincidence that I picked a turnip that upon inspection at home revealed itself to wear a heart on its skin? Granted, I do see hearts everywhere (that’s another story) but this is kizmet. Meant to be. (Do you see it? Top right side.)

But to start at the beginning:

A few months ago, and just before embarking on an ambitious voyage, my esteemed mother developed a mean and nasty cough + chest pain and nothing seemed to help, not even antibiotics. It so happened that she paid a visit to their local International grocer to stock up on the types of provisions that many Iranian kadbanoos are loath to run out of, but truth be told, to also pick up a copy of the Persian newspaper that she enjoys so much because of its crossword puzzles. (The lady, I tell you, is partial to her crossword puzzles. English or Persian, so long as there’s a battle of wits with an ofoghi & amoodi or “Down” & “Across” she is happy. I do not relate to this at all.)

This particular store (a well-run, well-stocked establishment from what I’ve gathered) is operated by an Iranian gentleman by the name of Aghaye Kazerooni, who is reputed to know a thing or two or three. As long as she was there, my mom decided to solicit Mr. Kazerooni’s opinion for a possible herbal remedy for her ailment and he said: “khanoom, shoma shalgham ba assal bayad dorost konid.” That is: “M’am, you should make turnip-with-honey.” But my mom had never heard of such a thing and didn’t know how so he explained it and Maman did it and reported that it didn’t cure her per se but it seemed to have helped quite a bit and we both agreed that as far as homemade remedies go, this is a rather cute one.

Recently I told my mom that I was finally getting around writing this post and asked her to jog my memory about how it came about that Aghaye Kazerooni told her about the honeypot shalgham. We chatted over the phone to our heart’s content re the subject. Then afterwards this is what she wrote me in an email:

Azi joon, about the turnip story regarding aghaye Kazerooni I think it would not be a bad idea to mention that he is a nice, considerate guy sharing the wisdom he has gathered from his mother and friends. HE REALLY IS A SINCERE, WISE MAN !

Isn’t my mom the cutest? So there you have it. Mr. Kazerooni, a really sincere and wise man, has endorsed honeypot turnip as a very good homemade cure for a sore throat, cough, or chest pain. How can one argue with that? One can’t.

Here’s how you make a honeypot turnip:

1. Start with a nice, washed and scrubbed, turnip. Heart-shaped-marked turnips are optional and a matter of rare blessings and pure happenstance.

2. Mercilessly chop off the poor turnip’s head. Briefly wonder what it must have felt like to have been guillotined or to have witnessed the act. Recoil in horror and toss those thoughts aside. But do not toss the turnip’s head! Set it aside to later use as a hat. For the turnip that is – not yourself. But actually, wait … who am I interfere? You could start a turnip-hat fad if that’s what you like and it brings you a degree of happiness.

3. Dig and excavate inside the turnip to create a hollow cavity but leave a 1/2 to 1/4 inch wall of turnip intact. (If so inclined, execute, oops poor choice of words, I mean conduct, yes, conduct excavation with refined elegance, using a mellon-baller for example, to dig out perfect round turnip balls which you can then put to various most excellent gastronomical use. I made honey-glazed caramelized turnips with mine that came out like a jam and tasted intriguing and mmm, mmm, mmm good.)

4. Fill the turnip cavity with the best honey you have at hand. Cover the turnip’s top with its chopped off head, errr, I mean hat. Then place the turnip in a container dish, otherwise you’ll literally have a sticky mess on your hands because some of the honey is going to seep out of the turnip later on in the process. (I used my coffee mug that’s roomy enough to house a turnip.)

5. Store the turnip in a cool dark place – or inside the fridge – and give it a timeout for at least several and up to 12 hours. During this time, the longer the better, the honey and turnip will engage in an alchemical dialogue of rumination, absorption and melange, in the process creating an elixir full of goodness and antioxidants and magic, but no glittery sparkles though, alas. You can’t have everything! Unless you are Blake Lively.

6. Once timeout is up, return turnip to the light of day, remove its hat, and consume the honey that has seeped out into the container as well as the honey that remains inside the turnip. The consistency of this honey will be much less viscuous, more liquid than it would be in its natural state. Immediately sense a surge of strong antioxidants flowing through your veins and experience a burst of vitality and well being.

7. With a heart full of goodwill and gratitude tinged with sadness dispose of the sacrificial turnip with as much pomp and ceremony as you can dispense.

Be extravagant.


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Comments (29)

  • Robbie in Australia 11 years ago Reply

    you are just a leetle crazy….. but I love you!

    Fig & Quince 11 years ago Reply

    Hi Robbie in Australia!
    I’m very rich so I’m not a leetle crazy but merely a little eccentric. Just kidding. And so long as you love me! : )

  • […] here a bit … remember when I made the honeypot turnip homemade cure?  In the process,  I was left with honey and turnip.  Waste not, want not is a golden motto and […]

  • Ross 11 years ago Reply

    Well I would agree with Robbie’s first, I was thinking the same as I read, but as a gentleman I will refrain from the second.
    Here’s a typical dumb question asked of bloggers: From time to time I buy Turkish Salgam Suyu (with chilli) in a big 2 litre bottle, can I just add honey? (just kidding)
    One adventurous day I might try your Shalgam va Assal.

    Fig & Quince 11 years ago Reply

    Ummm, I honestly don’t know what to say. OK!

  • apuginthekitchen 11 years ago Reply

    Great story, recipe and photo’s. I love how you mercilessly chop off that turnips head, a visual came to mind of you with your chef’s knife shouting off with it’s head as you chopped away. I love homemade remedies, turnip and honey, who would have thought!

    Fig & Quince 11 years ago Reply

    Save for Mr. Kazerooni’s sage input, this idea may have languished in obscurity. Now it’ll languish in relative obscurity! ; )

  • Fae's Twist & Tango 11 years ago Reply

    – Turnip, a natural antibiotic and honey, a natural soother, but never thought of them together in this form. I agree with your Mom… indeed Mr. Kazerooni, is a really sincere and wise man, who has endorsed honeypot turnip as a very good homemade cure for a sore throat, cough, or chest pain!
    – Hi to Special Rock… and I see there is a new friend!
    – BTW, after use (photo on right), the honey bottle looks like Lawrence of Arabia! :O

    Fig & Quince 11 years ago Reply

    Lawrence of Arabia honey bear! LOVE it!!! :))
    (Pix are from months ago hence the cameo of the rocks. )

  • Lizzy (Good Things) 11 years ago Reply

    What fun! Thanks for sharing.

  • laurasmess 11 years ago Reply

    Haha, you are so cool. Love the photographs, styling, the funny words, the crossword art… I knew there were multiple reasons why you’re one of my favourite bloggers. Ah, I’m still laughing! I need to try this turnip jam thingo. I don’t know if I can find that particular turnip here but I’m going to go hunting this weekend! xx

    Fig & Quince 11 years ago Reply

    Thank you Laura, I really appreciate it. The sentiments run two ways and I’m a keen admirer of yours as well.

  • priya7011 11 years ago Reply

    You are so creative with all your posts…love it!!

    Fig & Quince 11 years ago Reply

    Thank you Priya jan! : )

    priya7011 11 years ago


  • johnnysenough hepburn 11 years ago Reply

    You do make me chuckle!
    – Great post, and I bet it works. If only I had’ve known the last time I had laryngitis!

    Fig & Quince 11 years ago Reply

    Maybe it’s placebo, on the other hands, turnip is a natural antibiotic and honey is replete with potent health benefits and the combo does seems to help. I’d say try it next time but I don’t won’t you to have laryngitis again. Hopefully you won’t need this. ever.

  • bundesliga trikots 11 years ago Reply

    Hello! I simply wish to give you a big thumbs up for your great information
    you’ve got here on this post. I will be coming back to your site for
    more soon.

    Fig & Quince 11 years ago Reply

    Thank you! Appreciate it!!

  • […] said to work as an expectorant for respiratory illnesses.Try It: You could try making an authentic Iranian Honeypot (a hollowed turnip filled with honey for a throat soothing bonus), or simply mash turnips for the […]

  • […] to work as an expectorant for respiratory illnesses. Try It: You could try making an authentic Iranian Honeypot (a hollowed turnip filled with honey for a throat soothing bonus), or simply mash turnips for the […]

  • […] said to work as an expectorant for respiratory illnesses.Try It: You could try making an authentic Iranian Honeypot (a hollowed turnip filled with honey for a throat soothing bonus), or simply mash turnips for the […]

  • […] to work as an expectorant for respiratory illnesses. Try It: You could try making an authentic Iranian Honeypot (a hollowed turnip filled with honey for a throat soothing bonus), or simply mash turnips for the […]

  • […] said to work as an expectorant for respiratory illnesses.Try It: You could try making an authentic Iranian Honeypot (a hollowed turnip filled with honey for a throat soothing bonus), or simply mash turnips for the […]

  • […] 1) Honeypot Turnip (Shalgham va Assal) – Azita tells the story of her repugnance for turnips as a child, but explains that this soup was always something that her mother would turn to when she was not feeling well. […]

  • […] of honey, do check out this old honeypot turnip chestnut of a recipe re the healing properties of turnip and honey and a nifty DIY cold remedy. Also, be on your tippy toes lookout for another installment in the Drinking in Iran series and a […]

  • […] to say the antibiotic assistance of good ol’ turnip, aka shalgham joon, my former nemesis and now treasured buddy, was called on straight […]

  • Anchal 9 years ago Reply

    My sweet father in law made this for me last night. It helped a lot and it tastes good too!

    Fig & Quince 9 years ago Reply

    Awww, very nice to hear! 🙂

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