Tut! What a fun word. In any language. Let’s say it again twice: tut tut! In Farsi, tut refers to the sweet, juicy and very popular fruit of the mulberry tree. Sun-dried Mulberries are also popular and available year round as a delicious snack that goes just marvelously with hot tea, and makes a terrific trail mix.
Since leaving Iran, I have not had a single mulberry, but when we lived there, I used to climb up the trees in my family’s fruit garden in the summer and gobble up as many mulberries as I could.
If you’ve never seen mulberries, here’s a pretty photo of it (picture courtesy of Emily Ho of Sustainable Foodworks.) Aren’t mulberries beautiful?
Quick and simple recipe is a click away below – as always. And this time, we even have a video! Woot! Tut!

- 2 cups ground almonds
- 1 cup powdered sugar or confectioners sugar
- 1/3 cup granulated white sugar
- 1 teaspoon ground cardamom
- 3 tablespoons rosewater (maybe just a smidgen more, depending)
- slivered unsalted pistachios (approximately 1/3 cup)
- Combine ground almonds, confectioners sugar (make sure not to use granulated sugar by mistake) and cardamom in a big bowl. Use a fork to stir and very evenly mix the dry ingredients. Gradually blend in the rosewater – 1/2 teaspoon at a time. Stir with the fork. Then, work and knead the paste with your hands. Do so for at least a minute or two. The paste should at this point be an even, malleable, non sticky texture. (If it feels crumbly and breaks off in your hands, add just a smidgen more rosewater. But no more than 1/2 a tablespoon.) Set aside.
- Take a small amount of paste (approximately 1/2 teaspoon) and roll between your hands to form a hazelnut-sized ball. Press down and cajole the the paste into the shape of a mulberry.
- Place granulated sugar in a bowl. Roll each mulberry-shaped paste in the granulated sugar until all sides are lightly covered with sugar. Insert sliver of pistachio as a stem. Repeat process until you run out of paste. (We’ve uploaded a how-to video for you here which should shed some light on the matter.)
The downside of toot is that it if not stored properly, it dries out rather quickly. The upside is that since they are highly addictive and delectable you won’t really have to deal with the trouble of having any left to store. But let’s say you live in a household with highly disciplined people and you have a bunch left, then what you do is that you store the lot in an airtight container either in the fridge or in a cool dry space. Don’t leave them out hanging al fresco, is what we’re trying to say here.
Make it, and enjoy it, and noosh ‘eh jaan!

I am so happy you are safe! Yes, New Yorkers are resilient!
This looks so appetizingly delicious! It is a marvelous confection! What a wonderful gift for people too!
Thank you for visiting petit! And you’re right it would make a nice gift. I think that’s what you meant, right?
Yes, I was thinking of my co-workers if I attempt to prepare. Your creation looked incredible!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I will make this before the end of this year, and will let you know.
You better! I was considering ditching the whole post (due to exhaustion) and then thought, no, I can’t do that, Norma needs it! :))) But seriously: you’re more than welcome and can’t wait till you make it and tell me what you make of it.
[…] batch (minimum of 20 pieces) of Toot, from Fari & Azita of Fig & Quince. Toot (what a name!) is a Persian confection that […]
Woot woot! Or should I say “toot toot?” LOL! Thank you so much for donating this to the bake sale, Azita, I’m just delighted. I know I will be making this in the future as I can just imagine the flavor in my head and know I’d love it! You’ve given me an idea to try drying mulberries and if I’m successful next summer, I will ship some to you! Fresh is best, but I guess dried ones are better than nothing. 🙂
Ooh Veronica, I hadn’t even thought of that but yeah, that would be great if you ventured into a little dried-mulberry side project. When time approaches remind me, I’ll do some sleuthing and see if I can come up with any ancient Persian hints of drying mulberry. Woot indeed! Hope the bake sale goes really really really well for Suzie!
Azita, I love the video and recipe for Toot! Yes, we find that way to much fun to say 😉 I have mulberry trees here but, have only seen the berries when they are white as the birds pick them all. Thank you so much for participating and posting today! xoxo
It was truly my pleasure Suzie!
Seriously you’re hysterical! “Give it a pat pat pat” and you’re “super clear instructions”. SO funny and they look so good! I was thinking about these over the summer and was waiting for Norooz to make them… however I don’t think I’m going to make it that long!
See how easy they are to make though? Don’t wait for Norooz! Make toot while ‘ye may!
Toot-a-rama! So glad you’re safe!
These do sound delectable. As always, beautifully written.
Thank you so much! Toot-a-rama – love it!
It’s always good to have something sweet on hand when facing a disaster! I was initially intimidated, thinking, where was I going to find mulberries? Turns out these can be made from ingredients I already have in my pantry! I’ve made a note to myself to check out the Persian cookbook you mentioned. Am happy to hear your family made it through the storm fine, though it looks like it’s going to be a long time before things are really back to normal there…
Thank you – yes we truly lucked out. And now we’re gearing up for another storm – yikes! Meanwhile, you have to tell me if you do end up making this – I’d love to hear what you think. Constructive crit welcome too! For real.
mmm hummm! 😉
Hi Azita, 😀
I was on a long trip to Australia and just got back. These ‘toots’ look great. Never made them… I shall give it a try. ♥ Fae.
I just remade some and want to slightly revise the recipe to so hold off till MOnday if you’re going to make some! Otherwise I encourage you to make some they’re good and a crowd-pleaser offering. Let me know how it turns out if you make some.
I visited your blog a couple of weeks ago and noticed you were away on a glamorous cruise! Hope you had an excellent journey!
[…] Toot is a Persian confection made with marzipan that is fashioned to look like mulberries, or toot, with little pistachio pieces for stems. Yes, toot means mulberries! Why, what did you think it meant? 😉 (You can read more about it and get the recipe here.) […]
Dear Azita, thank you for this recipe. I have one question, I know you can make Toot in different colours (pink, green etc). Do you use food colouring for pink or powdered rose pertals?! Thank you
Hi, you are more than welcome for the recipe! It is one of my favorite things and people seem to love it.
Re coloring: I have not used the food coloring myself but my mom has done so in the past. She says to use vegetable-food-coloring but cautions to use it VERY sparingly as the paler palette would be prettier but more importantly because the coloring, if heavy-handed, can affect the taste. So to begin with, use just one tiny drop (using an eye-drop-type of contraption.) Start with that and if you prefer a stronger hue, add a tiny bit more. (Chefmaster offers a good selction of vegetable-food-coloring by the way.)
You didn’t ask about this but to avoid a sticky dough, put the dough in the fridge for up to an hour after you make it and it also helps to moisten your fingers and palms as you work your way in forming the dough into mulberry shapes.
Hope this works out for you! If you do get a chance, do tell me how it turned out.
This is one time when I really do give a toot.
Love it… as always.
Ah, you always make me either smile very broadly or laugh and chuckle appreciatively. Thank you for visiting Yvonne joon, for real: saffa avoordid! <3 Azita
[…] I’d already posted tut’s recipe, I had good and ardent intentions to make a few different types of shirini for Norooz. Good […]
[…] friend!) Possibly, perchance and maybe, if time permits, also some of my much touted tut, the Persian-marzipan delicacy. (Touted by me that is, ha ha.) Plus: some show-and-tell art […]
[…] finally, tut, a Persian mulberry-shaped marzipan concoction made with sugar, rosewater, ground almonds, and cardamom – with slivers of […]
[…] Why not mix ground almonds, cardamom, confectioners sugar and rosewater formed into the shape of a mulberry (or even a Rubenesque pear like the divinely talented El Oso Con Batos did) bathed in a bed of granulated sugar and crowned with a pistachio stem? This marvel is tut and it is a confection that is tout delicious and cute. Pop pop pop into your mouth it goes. Recipe here! […]
[…] are the marzipan mulberry sweets known as tut – purchased from an old and charming […]
[…] are red Asseman is blue Tut is sweet and so are […]
[…] home, there are many dainty ways to sweeten the tea. Like this tea served with sparkly homemade ‘tut’ (Persian marzipaln mulberries) that I got to enjoy during a Persian new year ‘did va bazdid‘ visit with my lovely […]
[…] Toot – Marzipan Mulberry. A delightful Persian confection. Recipe! […]
[…] Let’s start with tut! A Persian confection that is named for and shaped like a mulberry. I can very readily understand the need to pay homage to the pretty and delicious mulberry fruit by way of incarnating it in its candy form and making the Persian sweet known as tut. (Tut may also be spelled as “toot” but for reasons obvious to the American audience I tend to shy away from that spelling.) Tut aka Persian marzipan mulberry is my very favorite Persian sweet to nibble on and to make. It has very few yet top-drawer ingredients (rosewater, almond flour, confectioners sugar and pistachio stems), it looks and smells and tastes ah-may-zing, and if you have not yet made a batch of your own, I’d like to nudge you and say: Hey what are you waiting for? Go forth and make a batch! (Recipe for Persian Marzipan Mulberry.) […]
My grandmother gathered all of us in her house each year. We made this pastry together. What fun. On May 27 of each year, I plan to make it in her memory. I do have 3 mulberry trees in my house. You’re welcome to come over and climb them. I hope you are skinny.
What a unique and thrilling invitation! I would love to come climb up your mulberry trees! 🙂 Thank you dear Lili for sharing your story and may the memory and legacy of your grandmother live on. Lots of love, azita